Today’s topic is about television and its violent effects. ‘’ Does the television create violence or does it reflect the violence to society? ‘’
Much about this topic and its negative effects have been under debate for decades and it seems to continue in this developing, globalizing new world.
What is violence?
Violence is a word, approach, attitude and behavior which cause psychological and physical problems. There are some kinds of violence such as Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Oral, Economic and Politic.
The violence on television has 4 main factors;
- Frequency and time of violence,
- Details of violence,
- Its presentation to society,
4. Whether its effects and results are shown or not. The more frequent and longer violent scenes and incidents are on TV, the higher its negative effects are in society.
Television’s negative effects
There is no doubt that the communication device which affects the humanity of 20 th century is television. Its early effects could not determined so it is now in every home in every country. With films, movies and programs it encourages the use of alcohol and smoking and it causes psychological problems, concentration and eye defects. These are the few effects which come to mind at first.
Television has an influence that make up the children’s behaviors and it is the part of the life of children, it eliminated the friendship, family, school and neighbor relations.
Every person in US has been watching television 25-30 hours per week and the majority of them are children, elderly and women. When look at the background of the graduated high school students it is clear that he or she spend more hours watching television than going to school. According to the New Scientist in 2007; By the time the average US child starts elementary school, he or she will have seen 8.000 murders and 100.000 acts of violence on TV. Shortly not only in America but also in our country people consume their times by watching unnecessary television programs.
Researchers followed 329 subjects over 15 years. They found that those who as children were exposed to violent TV programs were much more likely to later be convicted of crime. These researchers said that media violence can affect any child from any family regardless of social class or parenting.
Girls who watched more than an average amount of violence tended to throw things at their husbands. Boys who grew up watching violent TV programs were more likely to be violent with their wives.
According to surveys; on the television channels such as Disneyland, TRT çocuk, there are approximately 20 violent incident in an hour and according to a survey held by about 800 children, it is clear that children who watch these programs more than 2 hours a day tend to become more aggressive at home, school and on their social life. When they reach the age of 19-30 they behave more aggressive in their family relations and they get more frequent traffic fine etc..
How children react?
We can define it in 5 groups.
1. Children and adolescents begin to copy what they watch and what they learn on television. It includes dialogues, behaviors, words, style of dressing etc.. They tend to behave, talk, dress and live their life like them, like their television heroes.
- They tend to see violence as a problem solving method, a way of self-expression.
3. They begin to become insensitive to violence, aggression, death and pain. So they start to lose their empathy.
- They begin to feel anger, hate, revenge more densely.
5. The more they watch television the more they lose the ability of differentiate the true and false, real and fantastic, probable and impossible, favorable and unfavorable.
What is the responsibility of media?
In the light of the surveys, media and the families must be in cooperation with each other and it is sure that it will give more important results. Media must warn the audiences before the programs that it includes violent scenes and also it must avoid the scenes of violence and these warns must be considered by parents carefully.
Advises to Parents
- Do not install the television at the center of the living room.
- Don’t use television as a baby sitter or sleeping pill.
- Be sure that you switch off it while you are eating.
- Be aware of what your child is watching.
- Do not install television in your child’s room.
- Limit your child’s watching habits, you decide what he or she must watch.
- Talk to your child what he or she watched, help them how to see.
- Select some programs that you can watch together and see it as an entertainment.
- If you watch a television the whole night be sure that your child will be the same. So decrease your watching habits.
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